SOURCX-D Development Fund


SOURCX-D is a multidisciplinary creative platform that aims to highlight and showcase young creatives working on amazing artistic projects from the continent of Africa. Our cause is simple - developing young creatives through provision of meaningful opportunities curated and facilitated by SOURCX-D, we do this by documenting, branding, providing digital/physical exposure utilising content development as a communication tool & live incubation events driven by knowledge sharing & collaborative networking.

SOURCX-D as an entity however, has zero funding or financial support. The brand is currently run by young creatives that have taken the responsibility upon themselves to not wait for opportunity but instead actively pave the way for the next generation. Our investment thus far has been fuelled by our multiple creative skillsets as a currency, love and passion for our industry has been a major contributor - however without financial backing, the weight of this monumental task can unfortunately hinder our growth and all the young creatives relying on us to continue celebrating and motivating them to keep creating.

We are thrilled to receive such meaningful support from you, every contribution to us is a step closer to a brighter future for young artists all over Africa.


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Refund policy No refunds


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