Family friendly


Thu May 30, 18:00 - Thu May 30, 20:00

The President Hotel, Bantry Bay, Cape Town


Given my passion and lived experiences on the Keynote Topic, I am extending an exclusive invitation to yourself to attend an in-person Keynote on my journey of Grace and Transformation. 

As we navigate through the current technological revolution and recovering from a pandemic, the success and future of organisations hangs in the balance. It has become evident that we need to create an environment for GRACE to exist in the workplace for greater sustainability.

Join me, Joslyn Manuel, for a courageous and thought-provoking Keynote Talk on how organisations, emerging leaders and professionals need to be vulnerable and bold enough to incorporate spirituality and Grace for a sustainable and balanced workforce.

During the session Leaders, Managers and individuals facing adversity, will have an increased understanding of the Human responses to Loss and Living and the power of intentional healing.

Attendees will leave with an awareness of the undeniable power of GRACE and receive a framework on how to create Psychological Safety (PS) in your workplace and environment. The knowledge and information shared, can easily be deployed, and incorporated in your personal growth, journey of transformation and healing.

I am a registered Organisational Psychologist, and my expertise lies in Organisational Development, Transformation, Behavioral Change (Management), and Leadership Development.

Based in Cape Town, South Africa, I have designed and implemented a range of impactful learning materials, frameworks, and interventions, supporting individuals, teams, senior managers and executives in the corporate sector. My keen understanding of human dynamics and Organisational Effectiveness is grounded in evidence-based practices. I am committed to creating psychologically safe environments and uphold the highest standards of professional and ethical conduct. My interactions are characterized by integrity, respect, and dignity, reflecting my deep understanding of human experience and behavior in the world of work.



Great power comes when instead of letting yourself sink to the level of the problem, make yourself rise to the level of the solution…you clear the path for Grace to flow… Author: Stormie Omartian

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by renewing your mind, that may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:2