No under 18s

Hot & Unbothered with Ask Nicki - Wednesday - 7th August 2024

Wed Aug 7, 18:00 - Wed Aug 7, 20:00

Event is online


Get ready to laugh, learn, and liberate your inner goddess with Ask Nicki, the sassiest s3x and relationship coach around! 

Ladies, it's time to flip the script on menopause and reclaim your mojo with confidence!

Join us for an evening of empowerment and enlightenment as Ask Nicki spills the tea on how to embrace peri/menopause like a boss babe.

From hot flashes to even hotter romances, Nicki's got the lowdown on how to keep the spark alive in your love life, even when the thermostat isn't cooperating.

So grab your girlfriends and get ready to laugh, learn, and leave feeling like the fabulous femme fatale you truly are!

Don't miss out on a fun night out and the most insightful event of the season. Reserve your spot now and let's tackle menopause together, one laugh at a time! 

There will be a welcome drink and snacks on arrival. Stick around after the event for a drink at our cash bar as we toast to embracing the change.