No under 18s

Ndumiso Nxele

Thu Jun 6, 21:00 - Thu Jun 6, 23:00

The Athletic Club & Social


 Ndumiso Nxele Healing Invocation - 6th June 2024

Creating music that inspires healing and growth in your life. 

The band set up consists of rhythm section which includes Piano, Double bass and Cymbals & Drums, as the foundation of the movement. The core melody is carried by alto saxophone and vocals, the saxophone doubles the melody that will be sang by the vocalist. In some tunes the saxophone would accompany the vocals with phrases from the melody. In addition to the whole sound, we have poetry that brings direction to the journey of a song. The poetry assists us to discover words that define how we are feeling as we move in the journey of healing. The words are continuously accompanied by the melodies and improvisational sounds of music. The language of music connects us to the words that lead us to Healing. 

Healing is difficult and it takes courage for one to embark on a journey of healing. We all have encountered experiences that brought discomfort in our lives, experiences that has made us feel pain and desolation. Going through the period of desolation and pain is unpleasant and sometimes it’s feels like it’s not going to end.  You tend to dislike yourself in that moment and you feel terrible and more so you tend to unkind to yourself. 

Healing looks very far when you’re in that pit of suffering. You question yourself over and over again whether you’re going to overcome this pain and everything looks impossible. When you try to fix a certain portion another portion breaks down. Giving up becomes the only solution that makes sense in that time. 

I mean growing up no one prepared us of such things that will happen. Indeed there’s no formula in how to go about navigating life as whole. They say experiences is the best teacher of life. One will ask; is that the word we use to describe pain, suffering, sadness and all the tribulations of life? ‘Experience’ is the word. Again not all experiences are negative, some they’re positive and they bring light to oneself. 

Healing, Healing, Healing! 

Healing from trauma that you encountered on your upbringing, from failed friendship, toxic environments, family and the most common one – healing from a romantic relationship.

How can one realise that healing is needed? There are a lot of factors that show that you need to heal. I believe everyone can feel when healing is knocking on their doors. It’s a self discovery type of thing. The outside person can only inspire for one to discover those doors of healing. I believe no one has the power to open those doors for you, it’s only you who can attend to the knock and open those doors for yourself. 

The knock and inspiration can come in different forms depending on your position. One of the most important things in life that we tend to overlook is the power of positioning. We tend to do that because we assume that it’s doesn’t matter, however it matters a lot. How does it matter? For instance you want to heal from the impacts of a toxic environment, you can’t continue to position yourself in that environment without relapsing, of course you’ll feel like you can at the beginning. As the time progresses you’ll realise that there’s no movement, you’re standing still. So you have to move away from that environment and you’ll beginning to see the progress.

Healing is not an easy process or journey. Even greatest people of our generation they struggle with this thing called healing. I myself struggle with it and sometimes I feel like I will never heal or I will never recover from whatever happened to me. This thing is a journey that one has to embark on alone without a distraction. I have faith that healing is possible and its can be achieved. 

When we talk about the concept of Healing Invocation, it’s a concept that aims to inspire healing in our lives. Music is one life component that we can’t exist without, if we can’t exist outside it, we might as well use it in our favour. How are we going to use it in our favour ? I mentioned at the beginning that we have different forms that we can use to heal. The sounds of music accompanied by words, is one form that can be explored to reach the point of healing. In this concept we explore more in poetry as a way of expressing what is inside of us. It’s not just poems only, the melodies paint pictures in our minds that the poetry expresses it in a form of words. Words brings life and sense of describing what can be felt by any individual. The poems captures the essence that is laid out by the sound improvisational of the song. In this concept the song becomes our transport to the doors of healing. It’s the song that will inspires us to open the doors of healing, or it’s will allow us to attend to the knocking of healing in our lives. 

Mine is to plead with you to allow the songs to transport you to this doorsteps of healing. Allow the words to inspire your to healing. Healing is needed. Healing is necessary. Healing is important. 

Join my  ensemble and I as we engage in this journey of Healing Invocation. 


Ndumiso Nxele
The Athletic Club & Social
35 Buitengracht St, Cape Town City Centre, Cape Town, 8000
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