Soaring Free health & wellness immersion with Peter & Beryn Daniel

Sat Dec 7, 10:00 - Sat Dec 7, 18:00

Soaring Free Farm, 30km from Plettenberg Bay. Detailed directions will be emailed to partcicpants before the event.


We are now fully booked, we will have another event in the new year.

Keep an eye on our website for the next date.


Hi, my name is Peter Daniel.

Are you tired of being sick and tired, confused about diet fads, and want to change your state of mind?

“When you are sick of sickness, you are no longer sick.”
    Old Chinese Proverb

The western lifestyle is the primary cause of the most common diseases facing people today. Heart disease, cancer, obesity, stress, anxiety and depression are referred to as lifestyle diseases for this very reason.

Insanity = doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results.

There is no doubt that our patterns and habits have gotten us to where we are today, and we need a change. 

Being an avid explorer, researcher and self experimentalist I have tried and tested many “life hacks” and adopted those that have given me the best results over time. After many years of believing that life is a serious process I realised that I deeply needed restoration, rejuvenation and connection.

Since 2005 I have been presenting workshops and talks on diet and lifestyle and getting feedback from people about the challenges they are facing day to day.

I have taken the best of what I have learnt and put it into a jam-packed Soaring Free Activation Event.

We are all unique and need to follow our own path of healing and integration. This event will give you lots of tools and techniques to test in your own life, stacking the odds in your favour.

We are the ones we have been waiting for.

I invite you to join me on a journey of self discovery to

awaken your vision, activate your passion and live your Soaring Free life.

Love and fear are both energies, but one enhances life and the other cancels life. When we are In Love we become more healthy – we glow and have far more energy, for unbeknown to us our bodies release certain neuro chemicals into our bloodstream that enhances the growth and the vitality of the system, which is completely the opposite when we experience fear because the chemicals released by the brain in fear, shut down the system and you create a wall around you, and thus you become disconnected from something greater.
Bruce Lipton

What we will delve into on the day

We will be looking at tools and techniques that move us away from fear and stress and towards growth and vitality, demystify diet and learn key health strategies that are practically accessible:

  • Food groups, nutrients and food quality.
  • Pro’s and con’s of different diets, plant vs animal, carb vs protein.
  • Nutritional upgrades – tonic herbs and superfoods
  • Healthy chocolate, healthy coffee, healthy “alcohol”
  • Detox hacks, juice fasts, keto fasts, colonics
  • life poisons: food, chemicals, body “care” products
  • State change with natural highs
  • Lifestyle hacks: Sleep, meditation, exercise, EMF protection, elemental exposure, breathing.
  • Longevity keys: life desire, connection, relationships & sex.
  • Mind/programming hacks: Gratitude, intention, vulnerability, service, nature cycles, routine review, herbal support, honesty.

The challenge with an event like this is retention. I cover a LOT of content, most of which recedes into the subconscious. For meaningful change you want to keep these ideas and techniques in your conscious mind, allowing a conscious reprogramming to take place.

To facilitate this I am offering an ongoing post event support program to keep the knowledge front of mind.

Every second week for 3 months we will connect via video conference to go over sections of content from the activation, and have time for feedback and Q&A. I will also be recommending very powerful podcast episodes, movies, videos and music during these calls to keep you saturated for the 3 months process.

What you get, the summary:

  • A spot on the one day soaring free activation event.
  • Including lectures, food demos, delicious vegan lunch and a quick start goodie bag.
  • 3 month follow up support via online video call.

Challenge your preconceived ideas.

Open up to experiment with the new.

See the results and keep doing what works.

Upgrade your state and change your outcomes.

Events spaces are limited, so book now for this life expanding journey.