Suits & Sneakers



from 919 reviews
"Mark has such a great way of sharing his proudly local roots. His talk is hilarious and if you are a saffa, a good reminder to put a smile on your dial and appreciate the 99% of us that actually give a shit . "
- Ian
"Great introductory presentation with lots of general advice with a good dollop of reality (I loved the chewing glass and smiling analogy)"
- Caron
"This was my first time attending Suits & Sneakers and won't be the last. The talk around adaptability was refreshing to listen in on and relate to to alot that was spoken about. I personally have already started benifiting from last night's talk on a personal and professional basis. Thanks to Mark, Erik and the team "
- Tygue
"Came to the event no looking for ideas or a "how to" but rather to get a fresh perspective of other people's thinking. As often times we get caught up in life with familiar faces with familiar discussions. So to surround yourself with people who aren't "of your circle" brings new perspectives, new trains of thought that you wouldn't otherwise have. All of which I gained, and at the same time met like minded individuals with a passion and drive to live outside their usual "norm" "
- Anonymous
"Absolutely amazing. Great presenters, I learned a lot. The energy was amazing refreshments and all."
- Thandeka

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