Suits & Sneakers



from 919 reviews
"What an insightful event - looking forward to the next one! "
- Anonymous
"Just watched the Happiness talk by @MarkSham at the Tryst via zoom in Durban… what an incredible insight and challenge to perspective! I cannot recommend it enough. It just so happen to come at the perfect time in my life when I needed it most. Fate. Wow."
- Dylan
"What an amazing event. From Start to finish! Highly recommend a Suits and Sneakers event! "
- Tamara
"Lots of passion and energy in the room and from the speakers. It was my first event, and loved the knowledge shared. "
- Trevlyn
"The evening was well presented and planned. Started on time and the speakers were top class. A positive step to building South African business communities."
- Dejane

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